Cultural Respect and Code of Conduct
- No GPS, tracking/mapping devices or mobile phones are permitted on any aKa trips.
- All cameras to have GPS location always turned off on any aKa trips.
- No pictures/ images, videos or recordings to be taken of any cultural significant art sites or communities shown to you by aKa.
- You shall not return to any Traditionally Owned Country shown to you by aKa.
- No driver or passenger shall be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Appropriate footwear must always be worn.
- The driver must hold a valid Australian drivers’ licence and Western Australian road rules must always be followed.
- Maximum speed of SxS is 45kph. Penalties will apply.
- All instructions issued by an aKa member must be complied with.
- Drivers must maintain a safe distance between the proceeding SxS, stay out of the dust.
- Pay for all damages sustained to SxS whilst under hire including tyres.
aKa reserves the right to cancel your trip with no refund if the Cultural Respect and Code of Conduct are not met!
Please take the time to download and view our waiver of liability PDF. If you have any questions please contact us.